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We can offer a Line of Credit with Net 30 payment terms to qualified businesses, Government Agencies, Schools and Churches. Please note that we expect an account with a Line of Credit to be used regularly. If the Line of Credit is not used for 6 months or not paid on time, the credit terms will be terminated.  

If you meet these requirements, please go through the application process by filling out the credit application below. All Arch Memory terms and conditions of ordering apply.

Initial applications for a Line of Credit generally take between 24-48 business hours to process. You’ll receive an email notification with the results of your application.

If approved, you may begin to place orders using your approved terms within your approved terms limits.

All purchase orders must be provided on Official Company Letterhead.

Fax your Credit Application / Purchase Order to 314-261-9051 or email

Credit Application (Link to PDF)
W9 (Link to PDF)
• Arch Computer, LLC Federal Tax ID #30-0254406

Submit Payments to:

Arch Memory
7110 Oakland Ave Ste 200
St. Louis, MO 63117